February 23, 2007

You're Invited To Our Kickoff Meeting!

CodePink:Columbia is just stretching its legs and getting its feet off the ground...and we need your help! Please join us at our kickoff meeting to help us energize, organize and brainstorm!

What: CodePink:Columbia's Kickoff Meeting
When: Monday, March 5th at 5:45 pm
Where: The Community Room @ Earthfare
3312-B Devine St.Columbia, SC 29205

We plan to meet for 1-1.5 hours and EVERYONE is welcome- men and women, young and old, Democrats/ Republicans/ Libertarians...please join us to help define what we want to accomplish, brainstorm how to get there, and make plans to shake Columbia out of its complacent slumber. Hey, I'll even feed ya if you come. :) Questions? Contact Lela at 803.467.4997.