The meeting last night was incredible and I sincerely thank each of you for attending, and those of you who were with us in spirit. We had an amazingly diverse group of women and I was so encouraged to see your beautiful faces! From early 20-somethings to grandmothers, from life-long activists to new converts, from those with military service to those who have never served but support our troops- we ran the spectrum last night. It was a wonderful evening for brainstorming and creative thinking about where we want to sail this ship.
I need to dash off a few thanks. First and foremost, special thanks to Earthfare for offering us a meeting space at no cost. Thanks to The State newspaper who wrote a wonderful bit about the meeting in last Sunday's paper, and much appreciation to the USC Daily Gamecock, which is publishing an article about the meeting in today's edition. Special thanks to the many local organizations who had representatives present, including the Carolina Peace Resource Center, The Richland County Women Democrats, Military Famillies Speak Out and the National Organization For Women.
If you haven't joined our email newsletter, then please do so by entering your email into the sign-up box at the top right corner of this page. Then drop by this page frequently to check in as plans develop. We'll be meeting again in April...details to follow soon!