March 12, 2007

What you can do for peace this week

This is an incredibly important week, as we commemorate the 4th anniversary of the war and lots of pending legislation pertaining to the conflict. I’ve included a few ideas below, highlighting how you can work for peace. While it is by no means exhaustive, I do hope you’ll grab an item or two…

Saturday, March 17th
Fayetteville Peace Rally

A day-long event to mark the anniversary of the war. Enjoy a march, rally, live music and children’s program. Click the link above for all the details.

Saturday, March 17th
Charleston Peace Rally

March through downtown Charleston starting and ending at the U.S. Custom House (200 East Bay Street). Bring signs and friends, and wear comfortable shoes. March begins at 11am and this one is co-sponsored by the newly-crowned Code Pink Charleston!

Saturday, March 17th
St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Columbia

Dress as a “pixie for peace” and join reBELLEious (SC’s radical cheerleading squad) to march in the parade. Contact Melanie for more information at 803.446.2772.

Tuesday, March 20th
Columbia Peace Rally
Vigil to mark the anniversary of the war will be held from 5-7pm at the Statehouse (Gervais & Main Street). Enjoy speakers from a Veterans For Peace group.

Call your congressman and express your outrage. ON March 12th, President Bush announced that he’s calling up 8,200 additional troops. Yes, that’s in ADDITION to the 21,500 he just ordered. Please help stop this nightmare- call your congressmen and tell them that you won’t sit idly by. Express to them how much value you're putting in their war stance when deciding who to vote for at the next re-election. Emphasize to them that they’ll lose your vote if they support the surge. Let them know that they can't say that they're against the war, yet still fund it. Don't know how to get in touch with your congresspeople? Click here, enter your zipcode, and it will do the rest!